






作为中国观众最熟悉的好莱坞影星之一,曾两次斩获奥斯卡影帝的汤姆·汉克斯在3月11日宣布他和妻子丽塔·威尔逊的新冠病毒检测呈阳性。不久前,这对夫妻正在澳大利亚工作。汉克斯在拍摄巴兹·鲁赫曼(《红磨坊》导演)关于“猫王” 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的一部传记片,汉克斯在片中饰演“猫王”的经理人,出生于荷兰的科洛内尔·汤姆·帕克。据雅虎新闻报道,汉克斯在他的推特上写道,他和妻子威尔逊“想感谢这里的每一个人,是他们把我们照顾得这么好。我们已确诊COVID-19,且处于隔离状态,以防止我们再传染给其他人。”









With the world fighting the spread of the novel coronavirus, Hollywood has also been seriously affected. A string of films and television productions are shutting down, while several of this year's most anticipated blockbusters have commuted their long-held release dates.

Some industry insiders describe it as the "darkest time" for the global film industry, but there are also optimistic voices amid this unprecedented crisis. Let's take a retrospective look at the headline news from the past week and see what insiders are predicting for the future of the film industry, which have probably become an integral part of all cinephiles' lives.

As one of the most familiar Hollywood stars to Chinese audience, Tom Hanks, the two-time Academy Award winner, announced that he and his wife Rita Wilson had tested positive for the coronavirus on March 11. The couple were in Australia doing production on Baz Luhrmann's Elvis Presley biopic, in which Hanks was to play Presley's manager Dutch-born Colonel Tom Parker.  

Hanks wrote on his Twitter that he and Wilson "want to thank everyone here Down Under who are taking such good care of us. We have COVID-19 and are in isolation so we do not spread it to anyone else," reported Yahoo. Hanks ended the post with a line borrowed from his 1992 comedy sports film A League of Their Own, writing, "Remember, despite all the current events, there is no crying in baseball."

Wilson also kept it light, saying on Twitter that the only Corona she wants from now on is the beer from Mexico. Besides, she asked fans to send her "song ideas" for her quarantine playlist, and named it as "quarantunes".

The novel coronavirus pneumonia spread overseas has also made some of the year's biggest blockbusters to postpone the scheduled releases, or suspend production. No Time to Die, Daniel Craig's final outing as 007, was the first major Hollywood movie to delay release. The delay was announced March 4, and a week later, after the World Health Organization declared a pandemic,other blockbusters began to follow suit.





