





第三,我们已经习惯甚至厌倦了在同样的场景中工作,可能会对自己习以为常的视觉环境感到疲劳,而咖啡馆则能提供一种新颖的体验。视觉多样性有助于“跳出思维定式,发现问题的最优解”, 咖啡馆里刺激视觉的因素,会让你的思维变得更加多样化。





ambient /ˈæmbiənt/ adj. 周围环境的;周围的

stimuli /'stɪmjʊlaɪ/ n.刺激因素,刺激物

nuisance /ˈnjuːsns/:麻烦事;讨厌的人(或东西)

magnum opus /'mæɡnəm 'əupəs/:代表作;杰作

camaraderie /ˌkæməˈrɑːdəri/ :友情;同事情谊

dearth /dɜːθ/:缺乏;不足


【文章来源】BBC 赫芬顿邮报


【原文标题】Why you’re more creative in coffee shops


Pablo Picasso, JK Rowling, Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, Bob Dylan – whether they’re painters, singer-songwriters, philosophers or writers, people across nations and centuries have tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a café.

A low-to-moderate level of ambient noise in a place like a cafeteria can actually boost your creative output. The idea is that if you’re very slightly distracted from the task at hand by ambient stimuli, it boosts your abstract thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea generation.

A low-to-moderate level of ambient noise in a place like a cafeteria can actually boost your creative output. The idea is that if you’re very slightly distracted from the task at hand by ambient stimuli, it boosts your abstract thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea generation. While that “Goldilocks” level of noise is different for everyone, audio stimuli in the background also help us improve decision making. Some have even dubbed “the coffee shop effect”. So, the jazz muzak, light conversation and barista banging coffee grounds out of the grinder aren’t a nuisance – they could help you come up with your next magnum opus.

Visual variety helps in “solving a problem that has an optimal solution, but requires you to think outside the box”... Coffee shops, though, generally have visual stimuli in spades. And hitting up different coffee shops each time keeps things even more varied.

Experts say these café settings can also benefit work groups who are brainstorming and building camaraderie... All those audio and visual stimuli help groups, too, compared to the dearth on Zoom or in a formal meeting room. University campuses, like open-air offices, have blended elements of coffee shops into their design to prompt people to gather and collaborate, as part of a trend that’s been happening for more than a decade.


