首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学家长> 原来在北美,孩子的阅读理解是这样教

上学期结束前,面条妈一家就提前离校去自驾了,所以Report Card直到上周开学我才拿到,Reading部分,小面条一如即往拿到EE( Exceed Expectation),她平时空闲时候也依旧会读Raz-Kids做Quiz,我想当然认为她的阅读理解没有什么大问题,直到我周末给她做了一份问答 形式的题目。。。


开放式阅读理解的题目有很多关于Evidence和Cause and Effect的问题,她的回答要么不完整,要么啰嗦写一堆没抓住重点,我淡定不了了,找了一圈资源来帮助她梳理这些知识点。我想可能其他粑粑麻麻也会需 要,有朋友确实在微信上问过我,所以呢,我打算用一个知识点结合一篇文章的精读方法来系统的介绍一下。今天要说的是第一个知识点,Author's Purpose


Author's Purpose即所谓作者写这篇文章的目的是什么,北美老师为了让小朋友方便记忆,便把首字母组合在一起,PIE,即Persuade说服,Inform告知,Entertain娱乐,Yummy Yummy小朋友记得可牢了



  • Did the author try to change my opinion? Did the author try to convince me of something? 作者没有想改变我的观点,让我相信他写的?如果是,那作者写这篇的目的就是Persuade,譬如“Cats make the best pets!”

  • Did the author give facts? Did the author try to teach me something? 作者在文中有没有告诉我一些事实,有没有想教我一些东西?如果是,那作者写这篇的目的就是Inform,譬如“Cats are mammals.”

  • Did the author try to make me laugh? Did the author try to tell me a story?看了这篇有没有觉得很好笑啊?作者有没有告诉我个什么故事?如果是,那作者写这篇的目的就是Entertain,譬如“Once, there was a cat...”

那各个年级的小朋友需要掌握到什么程度呢?面条妈参考了美国的Common Core的要求,譬如G2-G4的要求是:

  • G2: Identify text evidence that shows the author’s purpose is to entertain;Identify text evidence that shows the author’s purpose is to inform


  • G3: Identify the author’s purpose as: to entertain, to inform, or to persuade,Identify text evidence that supports the author’s purpose;Use a graphic organizer to identify the author’s purpose,Identify text evidence that supports the author’s purpose;Distinguish between different author’s purposes in texts with the same topic





  • G4: Identify the author’s purpose in different sections of a newspaper;Classify and categorize examples of each of the three purposes: to entertain, to inform, and to persuade;Change an author’s purpose






好了,接下来就让面条妈带粑粑麻麻来读一本简单的绘本吧,这是一本针对二年级 小朋友讲解Author's Purpose的精典绘本《 The Adventure of Taxi Dog》,可惜我无法在网上找到电子版,还好绘本很短我就打了一遍,大家可以在文末看下载链接。我用双语方式来讲解,大家各取所需。因为是针对 Author's Purpose来介绍,所以我仅做了有限的延展。




回到《 The Adventure of Taxi Dog》。这是一本很有爱的书,讲述的是流浪狗Maxi遇到了好心的出租车司机Jim收留了它,给了它家和❤️,并每天带着它一起穿梭在大街小巷的各种冒险故事。

Maxi, a homeless mutt in New York City, has always fended for himself. Then one day a kind taxi driver named Jim offers him friendship, a home, and a place in the front seat! From that moment on, Maxi and Jim revel in the sights and sounds of the city, and share all sorts of wild adventures-from rushing two clowns and a chimp to the circus, to singing duets with an opera diva! 


来见见我们的主人公Maxi吧,看它现在多欢乐啊,难怪书的序里写到“ For all the homeless and abused creatures of the world- may they all find peace some day.”


1)Why did the author write this book, to inform, persuade or entertain?你觉得作者写这本书的目的是PIE里的哪一种?

2)  How did you identify characteristics of the text that show the author's purpose was to entertain? 你从哪些点判断出来作者的目的是娱乐?小朋友的回答涵盖到如下几点就可以了:

  • The pictures are silly looking.

  • The book is a fiction.

  • It tells a story.

  • It usually makes reader laugh.

  • It doesn't include real information.

Author's Purpose小朋友基本掌握了,接下来粑粑麻麻可以对这本书本身做进一步发散讨论(参考来源:Reading Rainbow Teacher's Guide):

  • Why do people use taxis?


  • How might the story be different if Jim were the narrator?


  • Maxi does all sorts of things to entertain the passengers in Jim's taxi. Is Jim aware of Maxi's antics? Why doesn't Jim know what Maxi is up to?


  • Have you ever see a pet in a store or in a place of business? What kind of business was it?What was the reason for the animal being there? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet at one's place of work? What special circumstances might there be for the necessity of having an animal at work?




Thinking that having a taxi dog like maxi is successful for Jim, other taxi drivers might want a dog to ride in their cabs too. Write a want ad for a "taxi dog". Discuss the types of information that might be in such an ad. Look at newspaper want ads before beginning. 想象一下,像Jim一样有一个出租车狗会让生意更好,那是不是其他的出租车司机也会像要一个狗狗呢?让小朋友写一份“出租车狗”的求购广告,一起讨论在广告里要阐述到哪些点,可以在开始落笔前参考下报纸上的其他求购广告。


