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留学博士2016-09-07 11:19:47浏览1271

要在留学澳洲,首先得找个地方睡觉、学习和猛吃印尼方便面(Mie Goreng——澳洲大学生的招牌主食)。下面就来说说几种在澳洲常见的住宿方案。

Every university student needs somew here to sleep, study and eat copious amounts of mie goreng(two minute noodles – the staple food of the typical Aussie uni student diet). Here’s a breakdown of the common options in Australia.

大学宿舍(University Housing)

在大多情况下,澳洲大学的宿舍就是几个学生合租一套公寓,具体设置因校而异。在学校宿舍,每个学生都会有独立的卧室,但卫生间、厨房和公共活动空间要共用。要想填饱肚子,要不就自己做着吃,要不就得依赖“麦卡”(Macca’s)了。(注:“麦卡”是澳洲人给麦当劳起的昵称。到这的英国人这会可能就昏头了,他们要找的是自己的快餐门店“Maccy D’s”)每间卧室都是私人空间,门可以反锁,但请注意,如果你的室友邀请一大堆客人回来,放着重金属音乐,声音从纸一样薄的墙传来,即便你因此抓狂学校也管不了什么。因此,宿舍比较适合那些想要快速找到好朋友的学生,而且不介意浴室下水道被别人的头发堵住。不过,宿舍离学校通常仅咫尺之遥,倒是可以省下大笔的交通费用。不过如果你想花巨款买一台“摄位车”(Segway,也称作体感车)做交通工具那就另当别论了。

Although this varies slightly uni to uni, it usually means a complex of shared apartments with a private bedroom for each tenant and shared bathroom, kitchen and living spaces. Tenants need to cook their own meals, or become very familiar with the Macca’s menu*. The bedrooms are private in that they each have a lockable door,but be warned: the university doesn’t guarantee the preservation of your sanitywhile you listen to your roommates entertaining guests and indulging in heavy metal music through the paper thin walls. This set up is ideal for those who are happy to have 3-4 instant, university-appointed best friends to live with and those who don’t mind showers clogged with other people’s hair. Also, they areusually very close to the university, which is grouse unless you were planningto buy a Segway, in which case your daily ride will be cut down significantly.


学院宿舍(University Colleges)



Colleges are another form of on-campus living and are known to be party central. But asidefrom this, they are academic centres that offer included tutoring and pastoral support as well as a full social calendar. There are usually upwards of four inevery city that compete fiercely sports and have other cultural activities like plays, debating and volunteering opportunities. At most colleges all meals are provided, although many wish they weren’t as the menu consists of multiple variants of meat in brown sauce, but vegemite toast is always available. Pets are strictly not allowed - but there is a story of a student in Melbourne who kept a rabbit in her room and could be seen walking it on a lead at midnight. Colleges as well as university housing are popular for international and interstate students.



合租房(Share Houses)



Many students rent a house near the university and share the rent, cooking and cleaning duties. These are notorious for huge parties and being nightmares for the landlords when the banister is unexplainably broken three months in a row by a raucous game the tenants have invented.


寄宿家庭(Home Stays)--这也是初来乍到留学生的首选,小编专门推过关于homestay的那些故事,大家可以查看历史消息~



A relatively unpopular option is staying with a family that lives in the city where you go to uni. This is variable and largely luck of the draw; you could get a family who has a great cook and lets you have your own space, or you could end up with a canned-soup loving cat lady who forces you to crochet with her every Saturday night.


