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  To study at elite Chinese institutions such as Peking University and Tsinghua University is the dream of many students taking the upcoming annual national college entrance examination. But two young people spurned that chance, when they discovered it wasn’t quite what they expected.


  Two years ago, Zou Yingjie and Wang Chenqi, both from Wuhan, in Hubei province, dropped out of Peking University and Tsinghua University, respectively, after they found that they had no interest in their majors. They sat the college entrance examinations again last year and later were admitted to Peking University to pursue new majors.


  Taking the college entrance exam again is by no means new for under performing students. But Zou and Wang’s actions have drawn both criticism and praise from the Chinese public.


  Supporters applaud the two students for daring to chase their goals. But others say the attention is undeserved: These two students are grownups, entitled to make any life decision they want. Some criticize the students for being too capricious.


  Dropping out of China’s top universities is risky and may not have been worthwhile. Are they justified in going back for a second try at the national college entrance examination, just because they want to switch majors?




  Everyone has the right to choose the major he or she likes.


  1.The education system doesn’t allow most students to change their majors at will, so we shouldn’t blame those who are willing to take a risk and retake the college entrance exams to pursue a better, more fulfilling career path.

  1. 当前的教育体系并不能令大多数学生随心所欲地更换自己的专业,所以我们不能批评那些为了追寻他们认为更好、更能令自己满意的职业道路而心甘情愿冒险去复读重考的学生。

  2. The major a student chooses may probably decide the direction of his or her future career. If students don’t like what they’re studying, they won’t make much of a contribution to that field. It would be a loss for the students personally and for society as a whole.

  2. 一个学生在大学时期选择的专业很有可能决定他们未来的职业规划方向。如果学生并不喜欢目前所选专业,他们在未来就不能在该领域有所成就,对个人和社会来说都是一种损失。

  3. Many students dread the national college entrance examinations because it is seen as a make-or-break moment. But these two students prove that life is full of chances and changes. They serve as an example of the power of courage in changing lives.

  3. 很多考生担心高考是因为他们纷纷将其看作一个成败攸关的节点,但是邹和王的行为恰恰证明生活中充满各种机遇和变化,从他们的身上我们看到了敢于改变生活的勇气。



  They have wasted educational resources and time.


  1.The number of students those two top universities enroll is strictly regulated every year. By dropping out after studying for a period of time, these two students have actually wasted educational resources, which could have been provided to other applicants.

  1. 每年诸如清华北大等最高学府的录取名额都有严格限制,他们入学一段时间之后再退学,白白损失了两个入学名额,明显是浪费教育资源的体现。

  2. To drop out of university and take a second shot at the national college entrance exam is a risky decision. What if they had failed and couldn’t go to their ideal university? Whether it’s worthwhile to spend more years on the exam also remains questionable.

  2. 退学之后再复读重考充满了风险,万一他们重考之后并没有进入理想的大学呢?把时间花费在准备更多时间备考方面是否值得,还有待商榷。

  3. The two students wasted time and resources because they didn’t think thoroughly about their majors when they first applied to go to college. Their actions should serve as a warning to other young people, instead of being seen as an admirable feat.

  3. 两位同学之所以浪费了时间和教育资源是因为他们从报考志愿时就没有彻底认真思考自己的专业。他们的行为对其他年轻人应该是一个警告,并不是什么值得钦佩的壮举。(编辑:何莹莹)


