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Advanced Audiology MSc(高级听力学)


Advanced Materials Science MSc(高级材料科学)


Advanced Neuroimaging MSc(高级神经影像)


Applied Educational Leadership and Management MA(应用教育领导与管理)


Applied Linguistics MA(应用语言学)


Architectural Computation MSc(应用语言学)


Architectural Design March MSc(建筑设计)


Architectural History MA(建筑史)


Architecture MArch(建筑学)


Archives and Records Management MA(档案与档案管理)


Audiological Science MSc(听觉科学)


Biochemical Engineering MSc(生物化学工程)


Biology of Vision MSc(视觉生物学)


Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering MSc(生物材料与组织工程)


Building and Urban Design in Development MSc(发展中的建筑与城市设计)


Built Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering MSc(建筑环境:环境设计与工程)


Built Environment: Sustainable Heritage MSc(建筑环境:可持续遗产理学)


Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery MSc(整形外科手术)


Chemical Research MSc (化学研究)


Child and Adolescent Mental Health MSc(儿童与青少年心理健康)


Child Development MSc(儿童发展学)


Clinical Neurology MSc(临床神经病学硕士)


Clinical Pharmacy, International Practice and Policy MSc(临床药学,国际实践与政策理学)


Clinical Trials MSc(临床试验)


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children and Young People MSc(儿童和青少年的认知行为治疗)


Countering Organised Crime and Terrorism MSc(打击有组织犯罪和恐怖主义)


Construction Economics and Management MSc(建筑经济与管理理学硕士)


Crime Science MSc(犯罪科学硕士)


Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment MA(课程、教学与评估)


Development Administration and Planning MSc(发展管理和规划)


Development Education and Global Learning MA(发展教育和全球学习)


Development and Educational Psychology MSc(发展和教学心理学)


Drug Design MSc(药品设计)


Drug Discovery and Development MSc(药物研发)


Drug Discovery and Pharma Management MSc(药物发现和制药管理)


Earthquake Engineering with Disater Management MSc(地震工程和灾害管理)


Education MA(教育学)


Education (Psychology) MA(教育心理学)


Education and International Development MA(教育和国际发展学)


Effective Learning and Teaching MA(有效的学习与教学)


English Linguistics MA(英语文学)


Environment and Sustainable Development MSc(环境和可持续发展)


Environmental Mapping MSc(环境制图)


Ethnographic and Documentary Film (Practical) MA(民族志和纪录片)


Evidence-Based Healthcare MSc(循证医疗)


Fine Art MA(艺术)


Fine Art MFA(艺术)


Global Management of Natural Resources MSc (全球自然资源管理)


Healthcare Associated Infection Control MSc(医疗保健相关感染控制)


Higher and Professional Education MA(高等职业教育)


History and Philosophy of Science MSc(科学史与科学哲学)


ICT Innovation MSc (ICT创新)


Information Science MSc(信息科学)


Italian Studies: Language, Culture and History MA(意大利语研究:语言,文化和历史)


Library and Information Studies MA(图书馆信息研究)


Light and Lighting MSc(灯与照明)


Management of Complex Projects MSc(复杂项目管理)


Marine Engineering (Mechanical and Electrical Options) MSc(轮机工程(机械和电气选项))


Materials for Energy and Environment MSc(能源与环境材料理科)


Mathematics Education MA (数学教育)


Medicinal Natural Products and Phytochemistry MSc (药用天然产物和植物化学)


Molecular Modelling MSc(分子建模)


Musculoskeletal Science MSc (肌肉骨骼科学)


Museums and Galleries in Education MA(博物馆和画廊教育)


Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine MSc(纳米技术和再生医学)


Performing Arts Medicine MSc(表演艺术医学)


Pharmaceutics MSc(配药学)


Philosophy of Education MA(教育哲学)


Physics and Engineering in Medicine: Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging MSc(医学物理与工程:生物医学工程与医学图像)


Physics and Engineering in Medicine: Medical Image Computing MSc(医学物理学与工程医学:医学图像计算)


Physics and Engineering in Medicine: Radiation Physics MSc(医学物理学与工程:辐射物理学)


Professional Education and Training MA(职业教育和训练)


Project and Enterprise Management MSc(项目和企业管理)


Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology MSc(精神分析发展心理学)


Psychology of Education MSc(教育心理学)


Publishing MA(出版学)


Reading Recovery and Literacy Leadership MA(阅读恢复和识字领导)


Remote Sensing MSc (遥感学)


Russian and East European Literature and Culture MA(俄罗斯与东欧文学与文化)


Science Education MA(科学教育)


Science, Technology and Society MSc (科学、技术与社会理学)


Smart Cities and Urban Analytics MSc(智能城市与城市分析)


Social Development Practice MSc(社会发展实践)


Social Policy and Social Research MSc(社会政策与社会研究)


Sociology of Childhood and Children's Rights MA(儿童权利社会学)


Space Science and Engineering: Space Science MSc(空间科学与工程:空间科学理学硕士)


Space Science and Engineering: Space Technology MSc(空间科学与工程:空间技术理学硕士)


Spatial Design: Architecture and Cities MSc (空间设计:建筑与城市)


Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) MA(特定学习困难(阅读障碍))


Strategic Management of Projects MSc(项目战略管理)


Systems Engineering Management MSc(系统工程管理)


Urban Design MArch(城市设计)


Urban Development Planning MSc(城市发展规划)


Urban Economic Development MSc(城市经济发展)


