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  William and Kate usheres in a New Royal Era


  The April 29, 2011, wedding of the future King of England and Kate Middleton, a businessman’s daughter, fulfilled the public’s hunger for a House of Windsor reboot. Let Charles, never really beloved and a bit eccentric in his pursuits, find contentment with Camilla after his tempestuous, tragic history with Diana: Will and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, were young, well-behaved and conscientious about performing their endless duties. True love had been crowned with a true royal sensibility.


  An heir Was Born


  Prince George, the decade’s most keenly anticipated baby, royal or commoner, arrived July 22, 2013, promising a smooth line of succession into the future. Theadorable little prince was quickly followed by two siblings, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.


  Frozen Debuted


  The 2013 animated feature reinvented the Disney princess for the age of girl power — what’s more magical than being your own person? — and launched the ultimate ear worm anthem, “Let It Go.” The sequel grossed $750million in less than a month.

  2013年的动画片《冰雪奇缘》重塑了迪斯尼公主的形象,展现了女孩的力量——还有什么比做自己更神奇的呢?——并发布了终极版的《Let It Go》。《冰雪奇缘》的续集在不到一个月的时间里获得了7.5亿美元的票房。

  Divas Reigned in Music


  In a previous age we’d have one or two megastars. But in this decade music was dominated by women — Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Adele, Lady Gaga, Carrie Underwood, J.Lo. They delivered their sound for maximum parting-of-the-waves effect. Their success seemed to have been ordained

  在以前的时代,我们会有一两个超级巨星。但在这十年里,音乐被女性主导——碧昂斯、泰勒·斯威夫特、阿黛尔、Lady Gaga、凯莉·安德伍德、詹妮弗·洛佩兹。她们通过发出声音来获得最大音浪分离的效果。他们的成功似乎是注定的。

  Netflix Reshaped TV

  Netflix 重塑电视剧潮流

  Introducing streaming in 2007, it created an audience of binge-watchers.


  Me Too Roared

  Me too运动席卷而来

  Bringing years of sexual harassment and assault to defiant light, the movement toppled the likes of Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer.



