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  在国外视频网站“油管”Youtube上,有个特别火的印度爷爷纳拉亚那·雷迪 (Narayana Reddy)。     这位雷迪爷爷有着一手好厨艺,常常在网上晒出自己下厨的视频↓↓↓     爷爷每次做出来的美食都让人食指大动,而且用大口锅做出来的份量也是“XXXXL”那款的。     背后的原因也很简单:做这么多是为了能让孤儿院的孩子们,都能吃上一口这样的美食……     The best part about the internet is its ability to give the platform to generous and kind people who are eager to change the world for the better. So when one such man named Narayana Reddy started his YouTube channel, people couldn’t help but share the wholesomeness he broadcasted. Over just two years, Reddy, best known as Grandpa Kitchen, has gained over 6 million followers who enjoy watching him cook gigantic meals to feed orphans. However, recently, some heartbreaking news emerged — one of the internet’s kindest grandpas has passed away.在过去的两年间,雷迪爷爷的视频节目《爷爷厨房》(Grandpa Kitchen) 已经吸引了超过600万粉丝。


