首页> 社区> 出国考试> 国际趣闻> 见过一字眉、柳叶眉、高挑眉,但你有见过麦...

  These days, there are about a thousand different ways to groom our supercilia, but ‘McDonald’s brows’ take the cake as the straight-up weirdest thing we’ve ever seen – and to be honest, we’re still not even over squiggly brows.


  It all started when queen of all beauty bloggers Huda Kattan uploaded a new video tutorial for the fast food-inspired look on Instagram. What happens when a major social media influencer does something?


  All of their followers do the same. You could say that Huda’s fans were, well, ‘lovin’ it,’ as other ‘McDonald’s brow’ looks started popping up in response to her clip.


  The whole thing is a big satirical joke, created by Huda to mock the seemingly never-ending array of bizarre and unorthodox eyebrow ‘trends’ sweeping the Internet.


  While we’re relieved that ‘McDonald’s brows’ are probably not going to make the cover of Cosmo, we’re still holding our breath waiting for the next wacko brow fad to come along, because it most definitely will. In the meantime, laugh it all off by scrolling down to see it for yourself.



