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  The Ministry of Culture and Tourism conducted a review and inspection of select 5A-level scenic areas to check their resource conservation, tourist facilities and sanitation and safety management, among other services, the ministry said Wednesday.



  我国旅游景区质量等级(quality rating of scenic areas)划分为五级,从高到低依次为AAAAA、AAAA、AAA、AA、A级旅游景区。旅游景区质量等级的标牌、证书由全国旅游景区质量等级评定机构统一规定。

  景区评定等级需要满足的条件包括三个细则,细则一为服务质量与环境质量(quality of service and environment),共分为旅游交通(transport)、游览(tour)、旅游安全(travel safety)、卫生(sanitation)、邮电服务(postal service)、旅游购物(shopping)、综合管理以及资源和环境的保护(resource and environment conservation)8个大项;细则二为景观质量,分为资源要素价值与景观市场价值两大评价项目;细则三为游客意见(tourists feedback),以游客对该旅游景区的综合满意度为依据。



  According to the inspection results, Qiaojia Dayuan, a tourist site featuring an ancient and traditional folk house in the city of Jinzhong, North China's Shanxi province, was removed from the 5A-level list.


  The ministry also named and shamed another six 5A-level tourism spots, and urged them to rectify their problems within three months.



  Name and shame是英语里常用的一个固定搭配,这个短语的意思是:to reveal the identity of a person or organization guilty of illegal or unacceptable behavior in order to embarrass them into not repeating the offence,即“将实施了违法违规行为的个人或组织的身份公布出来,让他们难堪,以防止今后再犯”,用中文里的“通报批评”对应很合适。另外,曾经在电视剧里出现过的“游街示众”则可以用shame parade来表示。



  热门景点 tourist hotspots

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  散客 individual tourist

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  取景地旅游 jet-setting


