首页> 社区> 出国考试> 国际趣闻> 广州中小学将试点人工智能课,AI的有关表达...


  The provincial capital's bureau of education is now selecting about 100 schools to feature the pilot AI courses and further promote intelligent education.


  It marks the first time for primary and middle schools in Guangzhou to open special AI courses in prosperous Guangdong province, the window of the country's reform and opening-up.



  Guangzhou was chosen in May as a pilot AI education demonstration zone in the country for 2019, and promoting AI education among the city's primary and middle schools has become an important task for education departments in the months ahead.


  The Guangzhou city government has decided to give priority to the development of AI, information and the biopharmaceutical industries in the coming years.


  The pilot courses in those shortlisted schools are expected to build a strong AI talent pool for universities and colleges in the future.


  By 2022, all primary and middle schools in the city will have AI courses in their regular curriculum to help train and nurture AI talent for the city, traditionally a commercial hub.


  人工智能 artificial intelligence

  人工智能课程实验 pilot AI courses

  智慧教育示范区 pilot AI education demonstration zone

  算法 algorithm

  大数据 big data

  数据挖掘 data mining

  自主计算 autonomic computing

  认知计算 cognitive computing

  知识工程 knowledge engineering

  自动语音识别 automatic speech recognition

  自然语言处理 natural language processing

  聊天机器人 chatbot

  监督学习 supervised learning

  机器学习 machine learning

  深度学习 deep learning

  机器翻译 machine translation

  机器智能 machine intelligence

  机器感知 machine perception


