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  A politician in northwestern Pakistan was given paws for thought after his press conference was streamed live on Facebook with the “cat filter” turned on, giving him on-screen whiskers and ears.


  注:paws for thought改编自food for thought(引人深思的事)。

  The online stream of regional minister Shaukat Yousafzai speaking with journalists went viral on Friday after a member of his social media team accidentally activated the filter on the social network.


  Comments started pouring in as Facebook users noticed pink cat-like ears and whiskers had appeared on the heads of the minister and two accompanying officials.




  There's “a cat in the cabinet” one said. Others were more literal: “Shaukat Yousafzai looks like a cat - Meow meow meow”.

  一名网友说:“碗橱里有一只猫。”(原短语是a skeleton in the cabinet,意思是“不为人知的家丑”)其他网友则更直白:“肖卡特·尤萨夫扎伊看起来像一只猫——喵喵喵”。

  The video - seen by an AFP reporter - was deleted minutes after the press conference from the official Facebook page of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, which is in power in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.


