首页> 社区> 出国考试> 国际趣闻> 美国终于宣布停飞波音(双语)

  3月10日,埃塞俄比亚航空公司的一架客机坠毁,导致机上157人全部遇难。3月11日上午,中国民用航空局(Civil Aviation Administration of China)发布公告,要求国内运输航空公司暂停波音737-8飞机商业运行。随后,很多国家也纷纷宣布停飞波音737MAX相关机型。


  当地时间13日,美国总统特朗普表示,他将下令美国停飞波音737 MAX 8和737 MAX 9型飞机。

  The United States is grounding all Boeing 737 Max 8 and 9 aircraft, said U.S. President Donald Trump Wednesday (Mar 13).

  美国联邦航空局随后发表了声明,要求美国各航空公司运营的所有波音737 MAX型号飞机暂时停飞,并暂时禁止该型号系列飞机在美国领土上运行。

  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) followed up on Trump's remarks with a statement, ordering the temporary grounding of Boeing 737 Max aircraft operated by U.S. airlines or in U.S. territory.

  美国波音公司同一天发表声明说,该公司仍对737 MAX型飞机的安全性有“充分信心”,但在与联邦航空局等航空监管机构协商后,为谨慎起见,公司决定建议联邦航空局暂停所有737 MAX型飞机的运行。

  Boeing said in a statement that "out of an abundance of caution," it recommended to the FAA the suspension of operations of the entire global fleet of 371 aircraft in the 737 Max category.

  同一天宣布停飞的还有加拿大。加拿大交通部长马克•加尔诺当地时间13日宣布,停飞加拿大所有41架波音737 MAX型号飞机,并禁止该型号飞机飞越加拿大领空。




  As news outlets attempted to find personal stories and information about those who lost their lives, a debate on privacy was sparked on Sina Weibo. The death of a college student from East China's Zhejiang province has intensified the debate.

  据@浙江之声 从浙江万里学院党委宣传部了解到,校方经过与学生家属及大使馆方面核实,确认女孩为浙江万里学院大四学生。从女孩的个人微博中可以得知,此次前往非洲旅行,是为了观看长颈鹿。同时,她将和一位朋友在目的地汇合。


  Her personal Sina Weibo account has been widely shared, and an increasing number of netizens have left comments on her homepage. Most netizens expressed their regret for the girl's loss while commenting on her Sina Weibo account.


  Many now argue that we shouldn't use social media to comb through the private lives of the dead — maybe paying too much attention is just another way to show disrespect. Some Sina Weibo users have called for an emergency service that would clean up people's social media accounts when they die, so they could then truly rest in peace.


  In an era however when anyone can publish news, on their social media accounts, for example, we must be mindful of ethics. In-depth reports about the deceased do not help investigators solve the accident, nor do they contribute to valuable discourse — they are often mere gossip. While more and more netizens get to know the girl's story, it may only bring more harm and hurt to her loved ones.


  Some however left crass remarks commenting on the girl's appearance, lifestyle, friends and family background, with a number using vulgar language.


  Sina Weibo has hidden the girl's posts and closed several online users' account for abuse, saying, "Please respect the deceased and discuss the accident rationally."




