首页> 社区> 出国考试> 国际趣闻> 新西兰女总理带新生宝宝参加联大会议开先河...

  New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has made her debut speech at the UN in New York - and in another first for the organisation she brought her baby along too.

  新西兰总理杰辛达.阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)在美国纽约的联合国总部第一次发表讲话。她此行同时还另外有一个史无前例之举:她带着不满百日的新生女儿娜芙一同开会。

  Ms Ardern played with daughter Neve Te Aroha on Monday, shortly before addressing the UN’s General Assembly.


  Her partner Clarke Gayford, Neve’s primary carer, held New Zealand’s "first baby" while she spoke.

  阿德恩发言时,娜芙由爸爸克拉克.盖福德( Clarke Gayford)抱着“旁听”。

  Ms Ardern is only the second elected leader to give birth while in office.


  She made her debut speech at the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit, where she highlighted the former South African leader’s "profound impact" on her country.


  The New Zealand premier is currently breastfeeding three-month-old Neve, meaning "it was a very practical decision" to bring the infant on the six-day international trip.


  Neve is actually nearby me most of the time in New Zealand, Ms Ardern said according to NZ’s NewsHub.


  While the the prime minister attends UN meetings, Mr Gayford will take the lead in caring for the First Baby, as a UN ID card playfully described the infant.


  The PM told the New Zealand Herald she would bear the cost of her partner’s travel, as "he’s primarily travelling to care for Neve".


  Ms Ardern returned to work in early August after spending "the fastest six weeks" of her life on maternity leave.


  Prime Minister Ardern is showing that no one is better qualified to represent her country than a working mother, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told Reuters.

  联合国发言人斯蒂芬妮.杜加里奇(Stephane Dujarric)向路透社表示,阿德恩总理此行显示,谁也比不上一个工作中的妈妈更有资格来代表新西兰。

  Just 5 per cent of the world’s leaders are women, so we need to make them as welcome here as possible," he added.



