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  US President Trump host a roundtable with supporters at his hotel in Washington on last Wednesday, where guests were required to donate that unusually high sum to Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee for the president's campaign and the Republican National Committee.





  Following the roundtable event, where Mr. Trump would deliver remarks behind closed doors, guests can pay $70,000 per couple to attend a photo opportunity with the president. Couples can also pay $35,000 to attend a larger dinner with Mr. Trump, where he will also speak. (Rest assured: Donors who pay the $100,000 can stay for the photos and dinner without opening up their wallets a second time.) The details of the event were confirmed by a campaign official.

  这动辄上万美金的捐款,确实比一般竞选活动要贵。不过据美国政治新闻网站《The Hill》报道,这也不是没有先例。2016年美国大选期间,民主党候选人希拉里在内布拉斯卡的筹资晚餐前,就开出了每人至少10万美元的标准。美国前总统奥巴马的筹资活动,每人也要收取3.58万美元。

  The price is higher than the typical campaign event, but is not unheard of. In 2016, then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton charged at least $100,000 per head for a fundraising dinner in Nebraska. Former President Obama in 2012 headlined fundraising events that cost upwards of $35,800 per person.


  The president's penchant for holding fundraisers and other events at his hotel —and at other entities his family company owns—has drawn scrutiny from ethics experts, particularly as Mr. Trump retains ownership of his company, though he has placed his assets into a trust managed by his adult sons while he is in office.


  综合来源:观察者网、The Hill、Wall Street Jounal


