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  A German triathlete was banned from an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant after eating nearly 100 plates of fish.


  Jaroslav Bobrowski, an Ironman competitor, visited Running Sushi in Landshut, Bavaria last weekend for a never-ending meal.


  According to The Local, Bobrowski went to the restaurant and paid his 15.90 euros ($18.49) for the buffet.


  When I went to the checkout, I wanted to tip, but the waiter did not want to accept that, Bobrowski said to The Local.

  “当我去结账时,我想付点小费,但服务员不接受。” 波博罗斯基告诉当地媒体。

  The former bodybuilder sat down at a table and started eating —and did not stop until he had consumed nearly 100 plates of sushi.


  “He eats for five people. That is not normal,” the restaurant owner told the Passauer Neue Presse.


  Bobrowski, who works as a software engineer by day, follows an extreme diet where he does not eat for 20 hours and then eats “until I’m full,” The Local reported.


  The “until I’m full” part is apparently what drove the restaurant to ban the athlete.


  The owner told Bobrowski personally that he was no longer allowed to eat there because of his costly habits.


  “I’m banned from now on because I’m eating too much,” Bobrowski told the Local.

  “从现在开始,自助餐厅封杀了我,因为我吃的太多了,” 波博罗斯基告诉当地媒体。

  “I was stunned,” he added, before saying he had been a regular at Running Sushi.



