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  A supermarket in Kuwait has been shut down after its owners were caught sticking googly eyes on their fish to make them look fresher to customers.


科威特某超市:给鱼粘上塑料眼睛 使其看起来很新鲜

  Kuwaiti police shut down the fish store on Saturday, the Al Bayan newspaper reported, after images of the “fresh fish” circulated online.

  据《Al Bayan》报社报道,“鲜鱼”的图片在网上流传开后,科威特警方于周六关闭了这家鱼店。

  One of the pictures showed the fake eye slipping off the fish’s face, clearly revealing a much more yellow eye underneath.


  As a joke, a fish company in Kuwait announced it was selling “fish without cosmetics,” alongside a picture of a fish and a selection of different colored contact lenses.


  Social media users quickly mocked the shop owner’s attempt to get away with selling old fish with a series of hilarious memes that went viral.


  Mohamed El Dahshan tweeted: “Kuwaiti police has shut down a fish store that was sticking googly eyes on fish to make them appear more fresh than they are. :-) via Al Bayan newspaper” which got over 117k likes and over 62.5k retweets.

  穆罕默德.艾.塔罕在推特上写道:“《Al Bayan》报社报道,科威特警方关闭了一家鱼店,因为改店给鱼粘上了塑料眼睛,让鱼看起来比实际更新鲜。”此帖获得超过11.7万个点赞和超过6.25万次的转发。

  Ashley Feinberg, another verified user, quoted the above tweet saying “my strongest-held belief is that extremely creative crimes that don’t involve maiming another person should be allowed.”


  Some Twitter users took advantage of the situation to be punny.


  M’BlockU, a verified user, quoted at El Dahshan’s tweet: “Well this certainly looks fishy. I hope they go to court and are found gill-ty.”

  认证用户M ’BlockU引用艾.塔罕的推特说:“这看起来很可疑。我希望他们上法庭,找回“内疚感”。


