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巴斯大学(University of Bath)是一所以科研为向导的英国顶尖名校,科研实力被评定为世界领先  .

巴斯大学是全英前10的著名学府,历年最高排名全英第4(分别于2003年和2015年)  .成立于1966年,现任校监为女王伊丽莎白二世的三子 - 爱德华王子, 威塞克斯伯爵  .


巴斯大学管理学院被公认为英国最好的商学院之一, 在业界有极高的声誉,每年有大量本科毕业生进入伦敦顶级投行工作,在2016年完全大学指南排名中位居第1位.

巴斯大学在2015完全大学指南英国大学排名上位居第8位  ,28个学科中有24个位列英国前十,其中,建筑学,会计与金融,社会工作专业,位列全英第1  .2015卫报英国大学排名第4位  ,2014年Times英国大学排名第7位,2015年TIMES英国大学排名第10位 ,在2014/15QS世界大学排名上位居第179位  .在 2013年全英 National Student Survey (NSS) 中,巴斯大学的学生满意度在150个学术机构中位列全英第一 .毕业生就业前景和起薪收入也多年位居全英大学前十。

巴斯大学由于其在欧洲良好的声誉和全球领先的教学质量与科研成果,被稳固地确立为全英前10名的英国大学。在2014年 The Times 和 The Sunday Times Good University Guide, 巴斯大学被授予全英最好的校园大学称号。

urther to your application to study at the University of Bath, we are very pleased to be able to offer you a place on the MSc Finance with Risk Management (full-time) programme.

Further details regarding your offer

Your fees status has been assessed as Overseas. Please contact us immediately if you think this is incorrect. Please refer to your offer letter for visa/immigration information.

Please find a copy of your offer attached to this email. You can also check your Bath Application Tracker to view your offer letter in the 'My offer letter' section. Your Bath Application Tracker also includes information on updates to your application status, key information about programme start dates and a document upload section for any that we have specifically requested from you. It also contains your address and email contact details. Please ensure you keep these up to date, especially if you are using a university as your only email address. Remember a university email will no longer be valid once you have completed your studies with them. You can update your contact details with us at any time via your Bath Application Tracker.

Bath Application Tracker

You should have received an email message from the University of Bath Account Manager with your Bath username and password a couple of days after we received your application (please check your spam/junk folder). If you already have your Bath username and password, please continue to use your existing login details.


