首页> 社区> 文书写作> Essay/论文> 打动哈佛等14所大学的Essay写的啥?

  Son Andrian,毕业于哈佛大学,除了哈佛她当年还同时收到了来自:布朗大学、芝加哥大学、哥伦比亚大学、佛罗里达大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、迈阿密大学、麻省理工学院、西北大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学和华盛顿大学一共十四所大学的offer!


  在那篇文章中,Andrian写到了自己童年时前往马达加斯加 Antananarivo一个亲戚的家时发生的事情,当她和四个当地男孩玩耍时,他们用母语嘲笑她“胖”,她下意识脱口而出的话是:“你只是嫉妒,你是穷人而我是美国人。!”





  Childhood memory

  A familiar sensation of frustration and hurt gripped me.Looking for defense I only saw a cinderblock at my feet,impossible for my eight year old body to heave,so,I

  screamed in English:

  "you are just jealous that you are poor and I am American!"

  As the words flew out of my mouth,I knew I was wrong-there was no sense of triumphant satisfaction.I abruptly turned and ran into the refuge of my aunt's home.

  Upon finishing a tearful narrative to my aunt and father,I preferred the comfort of the former's arms.I avoided my father's disappointment:I knew as well as he did,that I was not the victim.

  Later,my hyateria subdued and guilt temporarily forgotten,I ventyred outside to explore the crevices of[redacted].The boy were still playing atop the rubbish,then seeing me,scrambled off their mountain and ran in the opposite direction.It's okay.I thought,I wouldn't be a fan of me either.

  As I began walking up the street,I heard shouts:"Wait,wait!" The boys caught up to me and proudly waved[redacted]bills in my face.In their broked English,they said in earnest and without malice,"Look! We are not poor! We have money! We are Amreekan too!"

  I agreed they were right and smiled sadly:one US dollar was the equivalent to[redacted].I was made sharply aware of what separated me from these children: ocean,experience,money.Politics,ignorance,the apathy of millions.Ironically,it was also the first time I belonged to my"motherland".I could share in the simple joy of relishing what"is",be proud of the sense of resourcefulness engendered by scarcity.

  This memory has woven itself into my philosophy and my dreams.The very personal knowledge that millions live in a way such that electric toothbrushes are an unfathormable luxury(my cousin),has given me the following personal reles:


  While I may not be certain of my future.I know for certain that I want to serve.I realize that service is as important an aspect of education as is academic work.



