首页> 社区> 留学选校> 美国加拿大> 【原创】建筑设计专业分享
         1. 美国US news上面没有单独的建筑设计的排名,可以参考建筑业界排名,一般排到前20
         2. 美国大部分硕士有两年制和三年制的学位,两年制的学位即是开放给本科建筑设计专业背景的学生申请,三年制的学位即是开放给本科非建筑设计专业背景的学生。
         3. 建筑设计的申请,除了要求GPA、托福、GRe成绩之外,最主要的要看学生的作品集和比赛、实习方面的经历,尤其是作品集是最重要的,可以体现学生的设计理念、艺术功底及设计高度等方面的能力。以下即是两个学校的建筑作品集要求:

截止日期January 6


Master of Architecture applicants are required to submit examples of their academic work and, if possible, their professional work.

  • The first page of the portfolio (cover page-required) must include the following information
    • Your last name, first name
    • whether you are a 2-Year OR 3-Year applicant
    • street address, city, state, postal code, country
    • email address
    • telephone number
  • The portfolio must be formatted together in one Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • There are no specified page dimensions or formats, but please note that portfolios will be reviewed electronically on a variety of screens and devices. Please ensure that all text and images will be legible in a variety of contexts. Portfolios may be no longer than 30 pages total and no larger than 50 MB. Portfolios that exceed these sizes may not be reviewed. Your portfolio will not be reviewed if you upload individual pages. Application processing time may increase if your file is incorrectly titled or if a cover page is not included.

There is no minimum requirement for the GRE test.



Master of Science in Architecture

截止日期:December 15

Master of Architecture Professional Degree

截止日期:January 5

Architecture and Landscape Architecture Portfolios
Every applicant to the Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Design, Master of Environmental Building Design, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Science in Architecture, or PhD in Architecture program is required to submit a digital portfolio. Paper portfolios will NOT be accepted, and if submitted, will not be returned. The portfolio is a synopsis of one's creative work. As a visual essay, it tells a story of a person's interests, skills, and development over time. It should include projects that best express one's visual, spatial, and constructional abilities. These projects might include drawings, paintings, sculpture, or photography; graphic, industrial, or interior design; architectural, landscape, or urban design. The faculty who evaluate the portfolios look less for competence in architectural or landscape architectural design and more for a coherent demonstration of visual and spatial abilities expressed through a basic understanding of material and construction. Applicants to the MEBD and MArch II/PPD should include at least five fully developed projects done solely by the person submitting the portfolio; other group work can be added.

The digital portfolio should be formatted as one PDF document no larger than 25 MB, with no more than 20 pages (maximum page size 10 x 12") or 10 pages (maximum 10x24") if you use spreads. Cover pages or table of contents do not count towards total pages. Once your application is submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your portfolio or upload a new one.

We suggest a minimum of 160 Verbal, 148 Quantitative, and 4.5 for Analytical Writing. 



