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  PARIS - More than 220,000 people have signed a petition against French President Emmanuel Macron’s plans to create a formal First Lady role for his wife Brigitte.


  Unlike the US First Lady, the wife of the French president does not have a formal role, although they are often informal champions for charitable causes.


  Past presidential wives have had small teams working for them at the Elysee presidential palace.


  During his election campaign, Macron said he wanted to create a formal role for the French First Lady, with her own office and staff.


  He has made clear the First Lady should not receive a public salary, but many French people say they see his plan as an "Americanisation" of their politics.


  The issue comes as the French parliament, dominated by Macron’s party, pushes through reforms that would make it illegal for members to provide paid jobs for their relatives.


  One of Macron’s main rivals in the presidential election, conservative challenger Francois Fillon, saw his campaign derailed by allegations he paid his wife public money for fictitious work as a parliamentary assistant.

  总统大选中马克龙的主要竞争对手之一,保守派对手Francois Fillon见证了他被指控以公共财政资金雇用妻子作为议会助理从事非实际性工作。

  "They are asking members of parliament and senators not to employ their spouses but they make an exception for the wife of Emmanuel Macron. That is contradictory," Thierry Paul Valette, who launched the petition against First Lady status for Brigitte Macron on change.org, told Reuters.

  change.org 上反对为布丽吉特·马克龙设置第一夫人职位这一请愿活动的发起人Thierry Paul Valette 告诉路透社:“他们禁止国会议员和参议院雇佣他们的配偶,但是却给总统妻子以特权,这是自相矛盾的。”

  According to a Yougov poll published by the Huffington Post in May, 68 percent of French people were against the creation of a formal First Lady post.


  An Elysee spokesman said the First Lady’s position would be defined in a charter which is being drafted.


  Brigitte Macron, who receives about 200 letters per day, already has a staff of four.



