首页> 社区> 出国考试> 国际趣闻> 双语:伊拉克学生的作弊神器,超乎你想象了...

  The exam papers are stored in triple-lock safes, transported under armed escort and distributed in envelopes with a special seal that can’t be reclosed once opened.


  But on inspecting the envelopes after an exam in recent years, Iraqi education officials discovered small incisions made in the sides. A tiny camera had been inserted to scan the questions inside. The breach resulted in the cancellation of the results in several test-taking centers.


  “For every measure we develop,” lamented Ban al-Sumaidae, an official on the exams board, “there is a countermeasure.”

  “我们制定的所有措施,他们都有对策。”考试委员会官员潘.苏门达科(Ban al-Sumaidae)表示。

  Some of the world’s most creative cheaters are showing up in Iraqi exam halls this summer armed with gadgets, ruses and accomplices to pilfer answers for a series of high-school tests that will help determine their futures.


  Most schemes involve variations on an earpiece that enables cheaters to get answers to the questions during the test. One of the latest versions is a tiny flesh-colored earpiece that is practically invisible. This week, several students were caught wearing sneakers with a communication device embedded in the soles. (How they operated the device through their feet was unclear.)


  Students buy questions ahead of time, and sell them on to others at an increasingly steep discount as the exam nears. Sometimes questions are posted on the internet for anyone to see.


  Some students have bribed exam supervisors for help during the test, or to get them to turn a blind eye to cheating. More bribes—even by parents—have been offered afterward to ensure high scores. Raed al-Rawi, who works in the office of a local education official, said he had been approached by the mother of a pupil.

  曾有学生贿赂监考官,请求在考试时施以援手,或是对其作弊行为睁只眼闭只眼。此后学生行贿的现象越来越多,为了得高分,甚至连父母也参与进来。在当地一名教育官员办公室工作的Raed al-Rawi说,一名学生的母亲曾主动与他接触。

  Sarmad Lafta, a spokesman for the Education Ministry, said the practice had been eliminated by imposing strict controls on exam supervisors.

  教育部发言人萨马德.拉夫塔(Sarmad Lafta)表示,对监考人员进行严格管控后,贿赂现象已基本杜绝。

  Students take tests on subjects including math, Islamic Studies and English. The night before the first exam last month, the questions for the Islamic Studies test surfaced on the internet. One: “What is the story of the companion of the Prophet who lived in extreme poverty?” The test went ahead, but the Education Ministry annulled the results, outraging thousands of students who now need to retake it.


  “Our investigations currently point to the involvement of senior [Education] Ministry officials,” said Mr. Lafta. “We are certainly concerned such a breach could happen again.”


  Since U.S.-led forces toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, the country’s institutions have crumbled and corruption has saturated daily life. For a small bribe, Iraqis can jump the queue of appointments in public hospitals; obtain a driver’s license without a test; or avoid paying fees for water and electricity.

  2003年,美国领导的军事联盟推翻了萨达姆.侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)政权,之后伊拉克各项制度全面崩溃,腐败渗透到日常生活的点点滴滴。只要一点点贿赂,伊拉克人就可以在公立医院插队,可以不考试就拿驾照,还可以不交水电费。

  “These days the government is corrupt, parliament is corrupt, state offices are corrupt,” said Falah al-Qaisi, who is in charge of education in one part of Baghdad. “There is no accountability for officials, so how can you hold students responsible?”

  巴格达某地区的教育主管法拉赫.卡西(Falah al-Qaisi)说:“如今政府腐败,议会腐败,地方机构腐败。官员都不问责,你怎么让学生负责?”


